Thursday, May 8, 2008


So, yeah, Bloody Awful Poetry, who has just gotten over a bit of Dengue Fever, has tagged me.


Remove one question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list.List them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all.

Bring on the blessings. Yeah. It's on.

Who is your all-time inspiration?

Hmm. Inspiration...well, I would have to say Kirsten Miller. (and a bit of Neil Gaiman, too. And the parentals, and my they won't feel bad.) Any way, KM is my inspiration because it is only after reading Kiki Strike that I was inspired to make a blog. And that her book is freakin' awesome, of course.

Have you given your first kiss away?

First kiss, heh, heh....okay, it's not that I'm some hideous creature from the underworld, (or a computer geek-even worse!) but I haven't quite kissed a guy yet. I guess punching and kicking them all in fifth grade turned them off. ;) Heh.

If you were stranded on a deserted island, which three of your blog buddies would you cruelly drag along with you?

Firstly B-Ballerina. She rocks. On ice. And on sand. And she is the brains of the operation (I'm talking the 'M' ends with 'ath' word). And she is a tad more practical than me. And she reminds us all every day in the caf to try to be normal. Not that there is anyone on a deserted island to see...MUHAHA- *cough* sorry, there.

Secondly The Fly Saviour herself, Bloody Awful Poetry. Not only will she know how to cure us of Dengue- but she could also list the many, MANY hot men of the world to cheer everyone up. She is good at that.

Thirdly, I would be dragging Emma, who doesn't comment much, but I am pretty sure that she reads. So...I would drag her because I need revenge. She didn't let me hug her at lunch. *pouts*

But, with all these blessings that I have been promised, I am not planning on getting deserted on an island.

Where is the place you would most like to go?

Hm. Toughie. I must say Bolivia. Did you know that they have these GIGANTON dumpling things there that are filled with mashed potato and cheese? Heaven...

If you could have one dream come true, what would it be?

Well, I'd like to have some big, novel-inspiring adventure or mystery come my way. That only I could solve. I feel a little useless right now. Anyone need a murder case solved? ANYONE? PLEASE!!!!

What are you most afraid of losing right now?

My sanity. But I think that might already be gone. Long gone.

If you win a million dollars, what will you do?

I will go bungee-jumping off the edge of a sheer cliff. Or build a lab fit for the CSI- the one I have always wanted.

If/when you meet someone you love, will you confess it to him/her?

Well, just to clarify to whomever is reading this, it WILL MOST DEFINITELY be a HE. As for the question itself, it depends on what you mean by 'love'. Lately I have been liking pretty much every other guy I pass by. Okay, exaggeration. Maybe three or four since the beginning of the year. I probably would after a while, but as the title of the book "I'd tell you I LOVE you but then I'd have to KILL you" goes, there may be some murder on my hands.

List three good points of the person who tagged you

Okay, who ever made this one up needs a self esteem boost. Seriously. Anyway...

BAP is...

Wierd. Don't worry, As they say, I am not friend with anyone I do not first label 'Wierd'.

Funny. No explanation required. Go read her blog.

Bookworm-y. Not a word. Oh well. She is the most frequent poster on Freaky Book Blog. *applause* You need some kind of recognition...

List three wierd things about yourself

Only three? But where shall I start...

~I have chocolate problems. I NEED chocolate.Without chocolate, my world will collapse and I will absolutely CRASH in math class. It is the only thing that keeps me going for those 3.75 hours a week of the M word.
~It doesn't bug me when boys are acting like boys. B-Ballerina has convinced me that because of this there must be something wrong with me. I know that girls are supposed to scream, shout, kick, wail, and/or cry when boys do things like pretend to shoot each other with machine guns and then crack up, or poke your back with the tip of a pencil because they know exactly where it hurts the most on your spine, or say that they really do agree that you are having a bad hair day. I didn't even care too much when one put a worm down my shirt. ('accidentally') Send me to the nut house. ;)

~I read while walking. I mean, at school we have an entire period that we can use to read whatever, and I have been known to walk out of that room once the bell rings and keep reading while walking. I don't look up. The wierdest part is, I can navigate while doing this. I find my friends, walk along with them, don't bump into anything that matters, all while reading, eyes glued to the page. I consider this a wonderful and very useful ability, but my friends consider it an embarrassing and freakish trait. Oh well.

What type of person do you hate the most?

Oh, yeah, this one is nice. But I already eliminated the 'Do you believe in rainbows after rain' question, so here goes. I hate the most people who think that they are just so above you in society, that they are better than you, and that you don't deserve to be talking to them. Lots of people look at me like that and sneer- because around them I am the quiet girl dressed in black who doesn't live in a house that is large enough to house a family of elephants. Comfortably. Usually, around people that I like, (and more importantly, trust) I am VERY (I mean very very very) outgoing, and currently at a tie with Eliana for craziest person on the planet except for Michael Jackson.

What's your ambition?
My ambition... Well, I have been wanting to get the IM blog on to 'Blogs of Note', but that would pretty much destroy the whole secretive deal. Um, not to get captured by the FBI? Become an agent myself?

If you have faults, would you rather the people around you point it out to you or would you rather they keep quiet?
Aw, just spit it out. Yes, we all know I'm crazy. Hey, why are you pulling out that long piece of paper...that's not a list....just shut it already!

What do you think is most important in life?
I would have to say knowing who you are. And sticking to that. And being who you want to be. (No, that doesn't involve plastic surgery!!!) Not trying to be something that you aren't, or that you can't really pull off. (Unless absolutely necassary...)

Are you a shopaholic?
How did you know? I can't help it. It isn't my fault. But I don't buy crud, like clothes and makeup and that sorta stuff. More like the wierd voodoo doll in the local shop or the earrings with hoops so gigantic that B-Ballerina will yell at me. And then there's chocolate and Doritos. That's where I go broke.

State one of your desires.
Right now? At this very moment? The gourmet chocolate bar that I saw in Stop & Shop that has a filling in the center of mint. Dark Chocolate. What can I say? I have an issue. :)

Which part of your character would you most like to change?
Probably my impulsive spazzing. Like, getting wicked hyper for no apparent reason. :D

What have you been putting off doing lately?
English homework, Social Studies homework, Science homework, calling Emma, finishing this post...

No! I refuse to do math right now! That is cruel and unfair punishment!

If you could alter one law in anything, (society, government, house), what would it be?
I made up this one. I would change the fact that we have to put napkins in our lap at restaurants. SO uncomfortable. And how can we use it when it's covering our thighs? I would also change the law that we can't burn CDs onto other CDs. Not that I haven't broken that one about three times. :)

Yup. Fun fun. So, I am tagging B-Ballerina, Emma, Muslim Irregular, Sekrit7, and whoever else wants to do it!