Monday, January 14, 2008

New Header!

Thanks to Theatre/Teen Vegan, Forever and Today has an AWESOME NEW HEADER!!!

So... A list of things I would never do if I ever had a teenage daughter...

1. Make bathroom jokes when a girl asks to GO, at the daughter's party.

2. Pretend that I was the perfect, no criminal record, absolute angel child when I was young.

3. Think that anything she says is SILLY.

4. Ground her when she is doing something that is IMPORTANT TO THE ONGOING OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT.

if only MY mother would abide by these rules...


Anonymous said...

I love number 2!

bloody awful poetry said...

wow it's been ages since i've been o this blog! looks fabulous now! and i love yer list.

International Mastermind said...

awww...danku! (thank you in dutch!)