Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I want to go to hawaii. Plain and simple. Hula dancing, tiki torches- why can't New England be as relaxing and warm as hawaii-and you geography freaks don't spoil my fun with reasons.

Anyway, if any of you live in hawaii, can I come visit you? I will be really polite and I will sleep on the floor if you want me to, but I'm hoping none of you would...

Egad! (love that word!) I must go to the evil, stinking, loud bus. I don't understand how these kids can make such a racket when it's seven in the morning. (Do I sound like an old lady? Ya know, "You hooligans are making such a racket!" type of thing?)


Jessica said...

Ooh, I wish I lived in Hawaii... but I've visited there once (the island Oahu was great... I think I liked it better than Hawaii... but that's just an opinion ;) If you ever do go, tell all!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe next year we'll go to Hawaii instead of Australia or Costa Rica! I hope so!

Anonymous said...

YOU LIVE IN NEW ENGLAND??!?!! I would kill to live up north, I've got a thing for cold weather can not stand hot humid sweaty weather blah. But no I get live in the good old regin where our seasons are totally out of wack with nature and the calender, last year I went away to some camp for rowing during spring break and it was all sunny and hot all us girls got a great tan then when we got home, It was nowing in the middle of MARCH!?