Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Burger, Anyone?

That first one was a heart. I don't know whose it was, but it says "Cannibal Meat Market" on the sticker.
The second was what you carnivores eat, before it has been prettied up.
Must I even tell you about the third? A dead pig with a butchers knife lying next to it? I think it is self-explanatory.
I am vegitarian, and proud of it. Except for fish. I eat those. For some reason I don't feel half bad for them.
Oh, and that is the reason that I am vegitarian. Pity. My great weakness, for all that care. I can't bring myself to throw away my childhood stuffed animals, let alone let a morsel of real animal pass through my lips.
Actually, on Teen Vegan/Theatres blog, there are a few even nastier photos of condemned animals, but I didn't know what to google to get them. Anyone up for a burger? Maybe some chicken? A steak?
I didn't think so.


Anilee said...

*sobbing* I know. It's horrible. I eat fish, too, and I feel awful, but my mom buys mostly wild salmon or this really good Scottish salmon that's organic and raised in the ocean, which makes me feel a little better.

International Mastermind said...

One of my camp counselors once said:

"If I ever ate meat, it would be hunted. Then it will have had a life, and was killed fairly."

I can totally see that. I will have to convince my mom to buy wild salmon. (my favorite fish!)

Anonymous said...

I am also A veggie and proud! YOu go Im!

Anonymous said...

I have to convince my parents to spot buying meat altogether :( my whole family has a huge southern influence and not meal is complete without a dish that can be thuroghly drenched in barbacue sause *gag* but yeah we veggies have defiantly seen the light haven't we?

LoncheraV said...

The picture with the pig on the table with the knife just tore my heart apart.

All meat is red meat. Fish, salmon, cow, chicken, whatever. This has to stop!

Go Vegans!

Anonymous said...

First off, I'm not a vegetarian, however I am an animal lover, and I'll only eat free-range birds and UK meat which I know has lived a decent life and died humanely. Mostly that's because I like animals, partly it's because the meat tastes better when an animal has had a chance to live freely. I am a liberal, and quite happy to let everyone get on with their life no matter what they choose.

However, posting pictures of fresh meat doesn't make any difference to someone who actually cooks meat, because they're simply not squeamish about it. If anything it just says to me that you're so far removed from the processes involved in gather food that you're squeamish about the sight of blood, which makes me quite sad. It's also destroyed by the fact that you don't take exception to fish, whereas fish reserves are in serious trouble across the globe. If you eat tuna, maybe you should know that it's quite often killed off the Japanese coast by dropping cyanide into the water, which kills off pretty much everything in the small area.

If you don't like eating meat, or you feel guilty about eating it, fair enough, but posting pictures of meat with the only reason appearing to be some sort of hypocritical self-righteousness annoys me. It's a bit of blood, get over it. Just to push my point further, following are some links to fish pictures. Whilst I can't see this getting approved by you, I hope you will see why I'm saying what I've said. If you really care about animals, eat things based on what the actual impact of eating them is instead of what you think looks pretty. Think of it like this, if no-one ate beef, you would end up with one bull being used to keep the population going, and male calves being killed to save money (ie turning it into a milk farm). Think about it.

International Mastermind said...

I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you, yelling at me when you aren't even a vegetarian. I think you need to go get a life instead of criticizing others'.
